The Mole: Info and Signups
The first JN Reality game is The Mole. Here's some info you need to play.
-One player will be selected (through PM on either Valhalla or ICS) to be The Mole. The job of the mole is to sabotage the game. Everyone else must identify the mole.
-Challenges are played competitively and cooperatively. Cooperative because the performance of the group determines what will be added to the prize, but competitive for those sabotage points and exemptions.
-The best performing player gets a sabotage point or an exemption. Sabotage points are used to help change the results of the quiz to the player's liking. Exemptions prevent you from being eliminated.
-Each week, there will be one challenge and one quiz. The quiz is usually about the challenge, the mole, or other things. Most questions will impact your score, and the lowest performing player is eliminated.
That's the basics to the game. If you want to sign up, comment on this post.
hey, can we switch to a lighter color? the sudden change from dark (the main post) to light (the posting area) hurts my eyes.
I'm in.
r2d2y: Done.
Me too! Now everyone can see where ramen_soup really began: Blogger!
this game reminds me of this one board game my half-bro gave me... called "guns and money" i think, where 1 person was a mole and everyone else was theives, and you had to guess who was the mole and shoot them (not literally, but in the game.) it was lotsa fun. if the mole didn't get shot, they won. if the mole got shot, they lost. there was something else about shooting the other theifs for money, but i forgot that bit. but i'll play.
I'm in
I'll play. It's kind of like Mafia in drama class, except less physical and more virtual.
hello peeps! it's me! i'm in too!
Reminds me of Mafia. The electronic version.
Speaking of... I may start a mafia on ICS!
Alright. We've got 6 players. Hopefully this will be enough.
The game should start soon. I need to make a mole and teams. That should take a bit of time. Let's aim for Monday.
Okay, sorry I didn't post anything. I kinda dropped the ball. But this is really confusing. There's all this stuff about two teams (which one am I on), quizzes and challenges (is there a difference?), and a mole and stuff. Could someone explain it to me in stupid terms? I'm sorry, but I'm just really confoosed...
Ok, here you go. Your goal is to earn points. To do that, you complete challenges. On one team, a mole has been placed. Their job is to keep those points out. Every round, the losing team (or everyone after the merge) gets a quiz. The person who does the worst on that quiz is eliminated (this is instead of a typical elimination where the other contestants vote people out). Then we repeat. At the end, we'll have a final cumulative test. Whoever does the best wins the game.
There. Check the team post for your team.
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